Windows 11 Center Taskbar

Windows 11 Center Taskbar

Easily create a Windows 11 Center Taskbar by following these simple steps using the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler Windhawk mod. This guide will help you with installation and customization

Windows 11 Center Taskbar for Windows 11

Easily create a Windows 11 Center Taskbar by following these simple steps using the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler Windhawk mod. This guide will walk you through the installation and customization process, allowing you to effortlessly center your taskbar and enhance its appearance. Whether you’re looking for a cleaner, more symmetrical look or simply want to personalize your desktop, this tutorial will help you achieve a sleek, modern centered taskbar in just a few minutes.

Steps to Install Windhawk and the Mod:

  • Download and install Windhawk.
  • Open Windhawk and go to “Explore” in the upper right menu.
  • Search for “Windows 11 Taskbar Styler” and click “Details.”
  • Click “Install” and accept any pop-ups.
  • After installing the mod, open its “Advanced” tab and Paste the given code into the Mod settings.

Center Taskbar

Mod settings

"controlStyles[0].target": "Taskbar.TaskbarFrame#TaskbarFrame",
"controlStyles[0].styles[1]": "HorizontalAlignment=Center",
"controlStyles[0].styles[2]": "Width=Auto",
"controlStyles[1].target": "Taskbar.TaskbarFrame#TaskbarFrame > Grid#RootGrid",
"controlStyles[1].styles[0]": "Padding=6,0,6,0",
"controlStyles[1].styles[1]": "Margin=0,2,0,3",
"controlStyles[1].styles[2]": "BorderThickness=1",
"controlStyles[1].styles[3]": "BorderBrush:=<SolidColorBrush Color=\"{ThemeResource SurfaceStrokeColorDefault}\" Opacity=\"0.5\" />",
"controlStyles[2].target": "Rectangle#BackgroundFill",
"controlStyles[2].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[3].target": "Rectangle#BackgroundStroke",
"controlStyles[3].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[4].target": "Taskbar.AugmentedEntryPointButton#AugmentedEntryPointButton > Taskbar.TaskListButtonPanel#ExperienceToggleButtonRootPanel",
"controlStyles[4].styles[0]": "Margin=0",
"controlStyles[5].target": "Grid#SystemTrayFrameGrid",
"controlStyles[5].styles[0]": "Background:=#00000000",
"controlStyles[5].styles[1]": "CornerRadius=10",
"controlStyles[5].styles[2]": "BackgroundSizing=InnerBorderEdge",
"controlStyles[5].styles[3]": "Margin=0,2,0,3",
"controlStyles[5].styles[4]": "BorderThickness=5",
"controlStyles[6].target": "SystemTray.ChevronIconView",
"controlStyles[6].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[7].target": "SystemTray.NotifyIconView#NotifyItemIcon",
"controlStyles[7].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[8].target": "SystemTray.OmniButton",
"controlStyles[8].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[9].target": "SystemTray.CopilotIcon",
"controlStyles[9].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[10].target": "SystemTray.OmniButton#NotificationCenterButton > Grid > ContentPresenter > ItemsPresenter > StackPanel > ContentPresenter > systemtray:IconView#SystemTrayIcon > Grid",
"controlStyles[10].styles[0]": "Padding=4,0,4,0",
"controlStyles[11].target": "SystemTray.IconView#SystemTrayIcon > Grid#ContainerGrid > ContentPresenter#ContentPresenter > Grid#ContentGrid > SystemTray.TextIconContent > Grid#ContainerGrid",
"controlStyles[11].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[12].target": "SystemTray.StackListView#IconStack > ItemsPresenter > StackPanel > ContentPresenter > SystemTray.IconView#SystemTrayIcon",
"controlStyles[12].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[13].target": "SystemTray.Stack#ShowDesktopStack",
"controlStyles[13].styles[0]": "Margin=0,-4,-12,-4",
"controlStyles[14].target": "Taskbar.Gripper#GripperControl",
"controlStyles[14].styles[0]": "Width=Auto",
"controlStyles[14].styles[1]": "MinWidth=24",
"controlStyles[15].target": "SystemTray.SystemTrayFrame",
"controlStyles[15].styles[0]": "HorizontalAlignment=1",
"controlStyles[1].styles[4]": "CornerRadius=20",
"controlStyles[1].styles[5]": "Background:=<AcrylicBrush TintColor=\"{ThemeResource CardStrokeColorDefaultSolid}\" FallbackColor=\"{ThemeResource CardStrokeColorDefaultSolid}\" TintOpacity=\"0\" TintLuminosityOpacity=\".85\" Opacity=\"1\"/>",
"controlStyles[0].styles[0]": "MaxWidth=1050",
"controlStyles[0].styles[3]": "MinWidth=1050",
"controlStyles[15].styles[1]": "Margin=800,0,0,0"

Start Menu Styler used in these preview images: Windows 12 Start Menu and Windows 12 Mini Start Menu

Taskbar Width:

The width of the taskbar can be controlled by adjusting the MaxWidth and MinWidth properties. By default, the taskbar width is set to 1050 pixels.

Default Values:

"controlStyles[0].styles[0]": "MaxWidth=1050",
"controlStyles[0].styles[3]": "MinWidth=1050",

If you want to change the taskbar width, modify these values to your preferred width in pixels. For example, setting both to 1200 will make the taskbar 1200 pixels wide.

System Tray Frame Adjustment:

If you adjust the taskbar width, you also need to modify the margin of the System Tray Frame to ensure it is aligned properly. The margin value should be adjusted to be approximately 250 pixels less than the new taskbar width.

System Tray Frame Margin Adjustment:

"controlStyles[15].styles[1]": "Margin=800,0,0,0",

For example, if the taskbar width is set to 1050 pixels, the margin should be 800. If you change the taskbar width to 1200, the margin would be 950.

Taskbar Corner Radius:

The corner radius defines the roundness of the taskbar’s corners. By default, it is set to 20.

Corner Radius Property:

"controlStyles[1].styles[4]": "CornerRadius=20",

You can increase or decrease this value depending on how rounded you want the corners to appear. A higher number increases the roundness, and a lower number reduces it.

Taskbar Background: Opacity

The background of the taskbar is controlled using the AcrylicBrush property, which allows for a translucent effect. The background can be customized by adjusting the TintLuminosityOpacity values.

Default Background Settings:

"controlStyles[1].styles[5]": "Background:=<AcrylicBrush TintColor=\"{ThemeResource CardStrokeColorDefaultSolid}\" FallbackColor=\"{ThemeResource CardStrokeColorDefaultSolid}\" TintOpacity=\"0\" TintLuminosityOpacity=\".85\" Opacity=\"1\"/>",

TintLuminosityOpacity controls the brightness of the tint. You can adjust this between 0 (no luminosity) and 1 (full luminosity).

Taskbar Background: Color

To change the background color find the line “controlStyles[1].styles[5]” and change its background value

"controlStyles[1].styles[5]": "Background:=Pink",


"controlStyles[1].styles[5]": "Background:=#ff1493",


By following these steps, you can easily achieve a Windows 11 Center Taskbar with the help of the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler Windhawk mod. This simple customization not only enhances the visual appeal of your desktop but also provides a more streamlined and modern look. With minimal effort, you can transform your taskbar into a key design element, giving your Windows 11 experience a fresh and organized feel.

Windows 10
Windows 11
Download Page

Are you new to Windows customization?

Follow the steps given on this post page and I always recommend Creating a Restore Point before starting the customization. If you have any other doubts comment below.

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