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Nord Icon

Nord Icon

Nord Icon: This is a very popular icon pack, which is due to the fact that the colors are designed to appeal to everyone.

Nord icon For Windows

Nord Theme For Windows 10The Nord 7TSP Icon pack brings a sleek and modern aesthetic inspired by the Nord theme. Inside the archive, discover the Nord 7TSP icon, meticulously designed to bring a touch of minimalist elegance to your workspace. Additionally, enjoy the convenience of the included iPack and .ICO icons, providing versatility and compatibility across various systems. Embrace the clean lines and soothing color palette of the Nord theme, enhancing both the visual appeal and functionality of your desktop. Transform your workspace effortlessly.

What is included in this?

  • 7tsp icon
  • iPack
  • Some extra .ICO icons.

Instalation steps:

  • I recommend creating a restore point before installing the 7TSP icon to ensure easy restoration if needed.
  • A detailed tutorial on how to install 7tsp icon will assist you in successfully establishing this icon. If you ever decide to remove 7TSP icons from your computer, follow the how to uninstall 7TSP icon tutorial steps.
  • Watch the video tutorial on my YouTube channel for a visual guide on icon customization.
  • The 7TSP icon is compatible with Windows 10 (from version 1903 to the latest version) and Windows 11.
Nord Icon Windows 10 & 11
Download Page

Are you new to Windows customization?

Follow the steps given on this post page and I always recommend Creating a Restore Point before starting the customization. If you have any other doubts comment below.

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