Alien Army Theme for Windows 11

Alien Army Theme for Windows 11

'Alien Army Theme for Windows 11' is a comprehensive set of customization features tailor-made for the Windows 11 operating system.

Alien Army Theme for Windows 11

‘Alien Army Theme for Windows 11’ is a comprehensive set of customization features tailor-made for the Windows 11 operating system. This captivating theme embraces a striking dark green and black color palette adorned with a distinctive alien army-inspired design. It boasts an array of customizable elements, including icons, the taskbar, and the Start menu, all thoughtfully crafted to harmonize seamlessly with the theme’s aesthetic. The Alien Army Theme is an ideal choice for users who have an affinity for dark and distinctive themes, elevating their Windows 11 experience with a one-of-a-kind, personalized touch

Make your customization awesome by installing this theme’s appropriate Windows 7TSP icons.

What is included in this?

  • Themes
  • Cursor
  • BasicThemer2
  • 7tsp Allow all Theme Extras Permanently
  • 7tsp Transparency Address Bar
  • Star Orb

Instalation steps:

Must-Do Tasks:

    The tools necessary for modifying your theme, as depicted in the preview image, are available within this theme folder.
  • After installing the theme, proceed to install 7tsp Allow all Theme Extras Permanently and 7tsp Transparency Address Bar using the 7tsp Tool.
  • Next, run the BasicThemer2 tool.
Alien Army Theme Windows 11
Windows 10
Windows 11
Download Page

Are you new to Windows customization?

Follow the steps given on this post page and I always recommend Creating a Restore Point before starting the customization. If you have any other doubts comment below.

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